Rights Equal Opportunities” – do you know what this means? It emphasizes the
equality among individuals especially women. Gender-based discrimination is the
most pervasive form of this inequality that must be discarded. Racism is also
an act of inequality which contradicts equality in rights and opportunities.
Everyone deserves to be treated equally. Keep your eyes open. Can’t you see
today that there are things such as women maltreated and racism happening? Yes,
they do happen. But it does not mean we will do nothing about it. As emphasized,
this thing is ruddily showing that there is no equality among us. We are all
equal in God’s eyes. In ourselves, let us practice being equal, in rights and
in opportunities.

As said by Lincoln, he showed equality among black and white races. We can do something. He is the best example for this post. We are free, both equal. No one needs to be higher than the other. Equality is what we need and inequality to be discarded.